Customize Your Smart Folder Settings

We're going to help you get to grips with our Smart Folders feature. Whether you're creating or editing a Smart Folder, we've got you covered. And don't worry, we've made sure to include some handy screenshots for our visual learners out there!

Skip Ahead: A Guide to Navigating This Article

Navigate to Smart Folders

Edit Your Smart Folders

Create a Smart Folder

First things first - let's get you to the right place. Once you've logged in, you'll find the Smart Folder section sitting comfortably on the left-hand navigation bar under the Inbox. This is where all your existing folders live. Easy, right?

Understanding Your Smart Folders

In Sixty, we have 6 types of folders: Outsiders, Not Urgent, Noise, Reading, and Other. By default, rule-matching emails are removed from the Inbox and deposited into the intended folder. But hey, if you prefer a label to be applied and leave the email in the Inbox, no worries at all! When you're creating a new folder, just make sure to select that box.

Want to view or modify a folder? Just select the Edit symbol next to the folder you're interested in viewing.

And look at this! You can actually change this folder's name, associated email account(s), archival mode, and destination.


You have the power to decide which email account(s) this folder is applied to. Go on, make your choice!

Archival Mode

Want a fast archival period (7 days)? Or perhaps a slow archival period (21 days)? Prefer to set a custom archival period? Or maybe you'd like to disable archival altogether? It's all up to you!

Don't Move Out of Inbox

If you'd prefer to have a label applied to the email but not have it moved out of the Inbox, just check this tickbox. Simple!

Already have folders in your account that you want Sixty to keep an eye on?

If you want Sixty to manage existing folders in your Inbox, you can create a corresponding folder in Sixty using the same name and selecting "Other" as the Folder Contents. By default, matching emails will be removed from your Inbox and deposited into this folder. However, if you prefer to keep the emails in your Inbox while applying a label, you can select that option when creating a new folder.

We hope this guide has been helpful! Remember, if you ever need any more information or assistance, our support team is always here to help. Happy sorting!

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